Friday, July 22, 2016

Clearwater Periodontist & Implant Specialist Dr. Todd Britten: Surgical Procedures: Implant Placement

Extraction of a root tip (tooth broken to gumline), placement of bone graft with immediate implant placement.
First, the extraction of a root tip: Careful management of extraction sockets after a tooth is removed prevents unsightly bone loss and provides a better cosmetic outcome for tooth replacement.
Bone graft plaement: For successful implant placement, and to prevent bone resorption, a ridge preservation(or bone grafting) procedure may be recommended. Without the use of a bone graft and collagen barrier at the time of extraction, studies show that 30­-40% of the jaw bone is immediately lost. This is because your body perceives that once the root is removed, the bone is no longer needed and your body absorbs or removes it, creating a ridge deformity.
Dental implant placement: Implants are versatile. If you are missing only one tooth, one implant plus one replacement tooth will do the trick. If you are missing several teeth in a row, a few strategically placed implants can support a permanent bridge (a set of replacement teeth). Similarly, if you have lost all of your teeth, a full bridge or full denture can be permanently fixed in your mouth with a strategic number of implants.
Sometimes an implant can be placed at the time of extraction and grafting, and sometimes it cannot. This video demonstrates immediate implant placement and an uncovery procedure of the implant at the end of healing. Your implant specialist and restorative dentist will work together to come up with the best treatment plan suited for your particular case.
Please contact our office if you have any questions about dental implants at 727-586-2681 or ‪#‎dentalimplants‬

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